The Dangers of Careless Driving - Road Safety Week 2021

Bike aware

For Road Safety Week 2021, we are warning drivers about the dangers of careless driving.

There are many and various situations that might amount to careless driving. In each, the driver will either be viewed as driving without due care and attention or as driving without reasonable consideration for other road users.

Some examples of careless or inconsiderate driving are; driving too close to another vehicle; turning into the path of another vehicle or failing to give way at a junction and causing another driver to take evasive action; driving too close to a pedal cyclist or pedestrian causing them to take evasive action or lose balance; unnecessarily staying in an overtaking lane.

Every one of us has a role to play in preventing deaths and injuries on our roads. Just as with speeding, drink or drug driving, using a mobile phone while driving or failure to wear your seatbelt, if you drive carelessly, you run the very real risk of killing or seriously injuring yourself, your passengers or some other innocent person.

One wrong decision or one moment’s inattention when using the roads can instantly change lives forever. Think about the consequences to yourself and your family if you were involved in a serious collision because you weren’t paying attention. How would you feel if your actions resulted in someone losing their life?

If everyone slowed down, drove with greater care, did not use a mobile phone when driving, did not drive after drinking or taking drugs, and wore a seatbelt, then together we can reduce this preventable carnage on our roads.

Every one of us has a role to play in preventing deaths and injuries on our roads. If you drive carelessly, you run the very real risk of killing or seriously injuring yourself, your passengers or some other innocent person.

Make it your personal responsibility to behave appropriately, every day, on every journey.


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