Road Safety Rules that apply to Towing

Road Safety Rules that apply to Towing

Whether you’re planning to tour with your caravan, transport horses or move a trailer load, towing gives you the freedom to take what you want, where you want.

However, to ensure vehicle stability and the safety of other road users, you need to know the laws that apply to towing.

The guide includes:

  • Road safety tips if you are driving a long vehicle or towing a trailer
  • Information on towing regulations
  • What you can town with your licence
  • Maximum weight you can tow
  • Safety checks before starting your journey with a caravan, horsebox or trailer

Room to manoeuvre

The Highway Code NI (Rule 160) says if you are driving a long vehicle or towing a trailer give other vehicles, especially cycles and motorcycles, plenty of room.

Remember – the extra length will affect overtaking and manoeuvring and the extra weight will also affect the braking and acceleration.


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