Project EDWARD – Are You Fit For The Road?

Project EDWARD – Are You Fit For The Road?

Project EDWARD (Every Day Without A Road Death) is an annual national road safety campaign supported by the emergency services, including PSNI, highways agencies, road safety organisations and businesses.

The theme for 2021 is Fit for the Road – safer drivers, at safer speeds, in safer vehicles on safer roads is a recipe for reducing serious injuries and fatalities on our roads.

Now in its fifth year, devised by the European Roads Policing Network (ROADPOL), the Campaign promotes an evidence-led, ‘safe system’ approach – the long-term objective of which is a road traffic system free from death and serious injury.

The Safe System minimises the chances for mistakes by drivers, pedestrians, cyclists and any other road users. But when prevention fails and a collision occurs, effective intervention can make the difference between life and death.

The aim is to provide a platform that showcases some of the best work being done to promote:

Safe Vehicles
Safe Road Use
Safe Speed
Safe Roads and Roadsides
Post Crash Care

The Project EDWARD Week of Action Road Trip takes place from Mon 13 – Fri 17 September, with three electric vehicles travelling a total distance of 2,000 miles taking part in a challenge to show safety, sustainability and efficiency. The vehicles will be tracked and people can enter competitions to guess their location and where they’re off to next.

A highlight of the Week of Action is the national Safe Speeds Day Operation, being carried out by police including PSNI for 24 hours from 0700 on Wed 15 September, to encourage safe speeds.

It is hoped that Every Day Without A Road Death – Project EDWARD will encourage all road users to reflect on their behaviour and attitude, similar to our own aims at Share The Road to Zero, where we have one goal – zero road deaths in Northern Ireland.

We can all help to create a road environment that’s free from death and serious injury every day. We can all take positive action by reflecting on the risks we face and the risks we pose to others. Many of these risks can be minimised or removed altogether if we ensure we’re in good shape when we get behind the wheel, we choose safe and compliant speeds and that the vehicle we use is safe and well maintained.

Sign the Project EDWARD pledge and confirm that you’re willing to play your part. The small steps we all take can make a huge difference. For more information on the Campaign, visit Project EDWARD website.

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