Driving at Work

Driving at Work

Did you know that between a quarter and a third of all road traffic collisions involve someone driving as part of their job?

Employers have duties under health and safety law for on-the-road work activities. These duties also extend to employees who use their own vehicle to make work related journeys.

Employers must, as far as possible, make sure that neither employees nor anyone else is put at risk by work related driving activities.

Employers should:

  • prioritise and control risks
  • consult with you and provide information
  • make sure relevant departments co-operate with each other on work-related road safety
  • make sure vehicles are inspected and serviced
  • make sure health and safety issues are communicated to employees
  • provide adequate training
  • monitor the performance of the health and safety policy
  • encourage all employees to report all work-related road incidents
  • regularly revisit the health and safety policy
  • make informed decisions about any changes

Driver’s responsibilities include:

  • having the right licences to drive the vehicle
  • checking that the vehicle is roadworthy
  • being aware of the law and requirements under the Highway Code Fitness to drive – tiredness, taking medication or alcohol can impair judgement
  • being aware of the weather conditions when planning journeys
  • keeping your mobile phone switched off and where it cannot distract you when driving

There’s advice on Safe Driving for Work on nidirect. Check out the   driving at work guide. It aims to reduce the numbers of road traffic collisions and injuries and raise safety standards by providing practical guidance for those who drive for work and their managers.

We all share the road. We all share the responsibility.

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