ACT NOW to Check Your Tyres!

Your tyres are in constant contact with the road; they suffer a lot of wear and tear, even if you drive carefully. Therefore, it’s vital that you keep an eye on the condition of your tyres.

Make sure you check your tyres at least once a month every month, and before long journeys.

There are three key areas of routine tyre maintenance:

Air pressure; Condition; and Tread depth – ACT.

Air pressure: Use an accurate tyre pressure gauge to check tyres’ air pressure is at the recommended settings. Check the vehicles owner’s handbook or fuel filler cap

Condition: Lumps or bulges in a tyre may indicate internal damage and increase the risk of a catastrophic failure. If these, or cuts and cracks, are found while checking a tyre, the tyre may need replacing and professional advice should be sought.

Tread depth: Tread depth should be checked with an accurate gauge to ensure it is above the minimum legal limit of 1.6mm. If you don’t have an accurate tread depth gauge, a 20p can be used as a guide to how close your tread is to the limit if you don’t have a tread depth gauge available

ACT now and make sure you check your tyre’s tread depth, condition and air pressure at least once a month.

More information on tyre safety is available on the Share The Road to Zero website.

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